“Financial capability requires both

the ability to act and the opportunity to act ”

— MS Sherraden 2010

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide basic financial skills to children. We believe that education empowers and that having access to financial practices is key to building a better life.

Our mission is to help children become functional economic citizens by helping them understand finance, provide basic skills, show how the financial system works and how to navigate within it.

We believe these skills are needed at all levels of society and in particular in groups that have less opportunity and are vulnerable and open to exploitation.

Empowerment of the next generation is a responsibility for us all and should continue throughout different phases of life.

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.

The Khazana Foundation is committed to the UN SDGs and contributes to 3 of the goals.

The future is financially self-reliant

Meet The Team